Thursday, May 21, 2009

Consolation Prize

If I wrote a post and won a prize what would it be? Should the prize reflect the amount of effort I put in? In any case my prize would probably be a moldy sock or maybe a rotten box of crackers. Although most bloggers are interested in dispensing there thoughts and ideas into the world wide web, simply I'm not. I cannot begin to imagine why anyone feels the need to upload their thoughts 24/7. When I see people doing this on websites such as Facebook or Myspace I often wonder whats going through their minds that make them want to announce to the world that they are "happy" or "making toast". The obvious response is that nobody cares. Will anyone even read this? Does it matter is I post this or not? Sure my ideas are now circulating around the web but what does it matter, this post isn't going to cure cancer, its not going to feed people that are starving and dying. In fact I think that this blog has absolutely no importance at all. But don't get me wrong, I understand what blogs are doing, and i realize that without blogs free thought would be restrained. But in a world of abundant political correctness where speech isn't free, why say anything at all. We all know that if we said what we really wanted to say the world would likely be "disincorporated". Why do we parade around as if we are at liberty to perform and yet in actuality were just dancing around like a puppet on strings. What prize should I receive for this post? Was there anything worth reading again? Does your mind feel somehow enlightened? I know what my prize would be, but what do you think?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Science, and its trusty sidekick Religion

In the novel "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown as well as the article "Evolution and Religion Can Coexist, Scientist Say" by Stefan Lovgren they both analyze an important theme and that is Religion and Science is united in a quest to find mans origin. "Some of history's greatest minds, including Albert Einstein, where convinced there is intelligent life behind the universe" (from the article). Many have wondered how a god could intervene in the modern world and truly actualize the devine. With the concept of moral and religion implications we wonder "is a clear separation between science and religion possible?" Can we continue to create faithlessness science without ramification from a higher power? If we continue to carelessly crusade through the unknow than either science and religion will be united or they will clash.