There are many superpower, but which one is the best? Many people have pondered this question but who is right? What is the greatest superpower? If I could choose any super power I would have the ability to morph. I think that it would be the ultimate cloaking device. What's the point in being able to fly or shoot spiderwebs if everyone knows who you are, where's the suprise and mystery? We've all seen superhero's in movies and books and the main conflict in every plot is keeping their identity's hidden from the antagonist. Imagine a world where every superhero would not have to worry about the villan figuring out there identity, they would be unstoppable even indestructible. I also think the ability to morph other objects would be very beneficial to the hero. Seriously, If you could transform anything you see such as your mothers car into a giant jar of jelly or your bike into a jet that travels faster that a speeding bullet, than I think it's safe to say that you are perfect. Plus what would the weakness of a morphing superhero be? Can't fly? Morph into a bird! Can't lift a heavy car? Transform into a car jack! However if you disagree with me and think that there is a better superhero, this thought might sway your vote. Could a person with the gift of morphing potentially transform into a different superhero? Could He/She imagine the Hulk and inturn transform into him? Could you Morph you hands into that hands that Peter Parker has and shoot web? Why not? These Gift are in fact just gifts, much like a present on christmas day, which is something that you would have no problem morphing into. Morphing is the greatest power any superhero could posses but if there was a superhero with this ability than it wouldn't be exciting due to complete indestructability of that character.